"I’ve been seeing Frank Mallon of Renaissance Physical Therapy for a few years now. Before I started my journey with Frank, I realized that when I had been to other physical therapists, no one was tying it all together. After I had my second child, I realized my pelvic floor issues weren’t being fixed with traditional pelvic floor physical therapy. I knew there was something missing. I’m also a Physical Therapist myself who had taken a PRI course, I realized that I needed to find someone that specialized in this practice and was lucky enough to meet Frank. From my first visit he helped me realize that because of injuries I had year before playing soccer (3 ACL’s) and having my kids that I was very strong, but in a very dysfunctional pattern. My head and neck were trying to control my entire body and my “pressure system” had quite a few dysfunctional parts. Frank works with a local dentist who created a mouth guard to help correct an overbite that was wreaking havoc with the rest of my body. Then we were able to make progress with my pelvis, allowing me to gain more control and shift the paradigm to a more efficient system. My posture has completely changed. I actually stand taller now. With each session I’ve felt lighter, more ease of movement in my legs, more ease of movement in my arms. I’ve told Frank that my arms literally have never felt this light after he gave me an exercise in his office. Frank has also opened my eyes to a more holistic approach to physical therapy. I saw him during Covid and he was an integral part of teaching me relaxation techniques, realizing that my stress management, allergy management, gut health was all influencing how I felt overall. He has opened my eyes to the type of physical therapy and care that can be given to clients. My body can now handle stress much better. I now have a clearer understanding of how my body should move in space and the possibilities of freedom that come with that. I recently completed my 4th Half Marathon. My first three were before my kids. At a point where I thought I was stronger than I was before my kids. What I didn’t know was that I was strong, but not efficient. The Half Marathon that I completed last month was faster and felt better than the one I ran 7 years ago before I had my children. I attest all of this to Frank. My body now handles stress and stressors or life in a much more efficient manner. Frank has taught me that there was a better version of myself out there, it’s still a work in progress and he reminds me constantly that its about the process and the journey of becoming the best version of ourselves. "



"In 2014, I met Frank with basically a fractured back when just beginning my bobsled career for Team USA. I thought I was done competing and was emotionally and physically a mess.

Frank approached physical therapy unlike any PT or medical professional I have ever worked with. I have many PTs etc to compare him to- I’ve competed at high levels my whole life. The exercises seemed strange at first and I was nervous because it was so new…. I can assure you he is cutting-edge and a genius. 

3-4 month post (serious injury), I not only had the pain under control but also tools to address it when it came up… most importantly, I felt faster and stronger with these new preventative strategies that I was easily able to build into my training and “pre-hab.” I was able to return the the Olympic Training Center and was able to compete in International competition for the sports of Bobsled and Skeleton. 

I found Frank extremely accessible, caring, KNOWLEDGEABLE, and humble in his practice. I’ve never met someone in the field who knew so much but never stopped learning. I went to school for Exercise Science so I am very interested in the latest new cert he was working on or new seminar he attended (or presented). If you want to better understand the science behind his background and practice… he will tell you…. If you just want to feel better and stronger he will just talk to you like a real human who just wants to know you and help. 

Frank Mallon is an incredible professional in the medical/ athletic performance field. I have seen him work with patients of various ages, needs, abilities, and backgrounds. Additionally, he has worked with recreational and professional athletes. I keep 10-20 business cards for him in my wallet and hand them out when any friend mentions not feeling well.

TO BE CLEAR…. Frank is no average PT…. I have seen benefits in my concussion related migraines, my spondy stability (vertebrae shift), my posture, my SINUSES (omg), my POTS(Dizziness reduced), my digestion, and my general anxiety level. It is currently 2022 and I continue to see him periodically and am so grateful every time I leave and weeks following that apt. I consider him a friend who cares for others and just wants to help in anyway he can.

If you are looking for, are open to, or even curious about PT care or wellness care that treats the entire person…. Contact Frank ASAP. He has the medical expertise of a PT, DPT …. Plus, an alternative mindset with certifications in unique but legitimate groundbreaking genres."

"Working with Frank Mallon over the past several years has been transformative, freeing me from the need for frequent chiropractic care and helping me release tension from my body while optimizing my alignment. In this highly individualized work, Frank is an expert who provides the most safe, relaxing, fun work on my body/mind.

I entered his practice after a lot of extensive dental work, also wearing progressive eyeglasses. Frank assisted me with vision problems and guided me in the choice of the correct lens replacement when having cataract surgery. I am so grateful for Frank’s expert guidance and this fun empowering way to improve my overall balance, strength and functioning. Even the breathing exercises, which are central to this work, have allowed me to manifest a greatly improved singing voice!

I am really blessed that I have been able to work with this wonderfully positive, sensitive and highly skilled practitioner."


"There are no words to describe what Dr. Frank Mallon has done for me and many of my clients. He changed my life in so many ways. Too many to post here. All that matters is that I am 50yrs old and my body feels like a 19yr old. I am able to do all that I previously was able to do as an athlete without any pain! All other methods of treatment were not a permanent solution. Dr. Frank with his zen approach and kind guidance and brilliance made me whole again. We all cannot than you enough! Xo This man has a gift. Do not hesitate. Just go and watch your life transform. Believe in the process…"


"I went to Frank after I started having back problems and then fell, which caused me to be in excruciating sciatica pain. After years of standing on my feet as a hair stylist and pounding the pavement running, I could not walk 2 feet for a month. I couldn't drive due to excruciating nerve pain that went down my leg all the way and my foot was numb. I tried everything, chiropractic, acupuncture, other physical therapy exercises, medication, nothing was helping.  My pain was a level 10 and all I could do was think about how can i stop this pain. As an avid exerciser all my life I couldn't live like this. My entire life was turned upside down and I was desperate.

 Frank literally saved my life!  Frank is a kind, warm, therapist who is extremely knowledgeable in postural therapy and he knew exactly what I needed to do to heal my body through the exercises. I just trusted that he would help me if I did the exercises and every week I was improving. When I first went to Frank I had to stop 3 times and get out of the car due to nerve pain shooting down my leg. Now I am walking and even jogging sometimes! I go on hikes with my dog again and have my life back. I still do some of  the exercises but my foot isn't numb and I have no nerve pain in my leg anymore. I have an arsenal of exercises whenever I need them because of Frank's recordings specifically for my needs. This therapy is geared toward the individual not a cookie cutter therapy applied to everyone , as each person's issues are unique. I learned so much from Frank and I will always be so grateful for his incredible knowledge that healed me ! I wish everyone in this kind of pain knew about Frank and postural therapy because it could help so many people desperate for relief from pain. Frank at Renaissance Physical Therapy is passionate about what he does and he is an angel on earth. I can't thank you enough for everything!"


"I went to Dr. Frank for a knee injury. He was incredibly kind and understanding. He gave me several exercises to do at home that immediately started helping my knee.  Frank not only treats your injury, but focuses on your  postural imbalance and empowers and encourages you to heal and prevent further injury. I will be forever grateful that he helped me walk again. Even if you don't have an injury, Dr. Frank can help you adjust your postural alignment to prevent future injury. I highly recommend his services to everyone!"


"Working with Frank has made a huge impact on my life. Frank is focused on finding the long-term solution and has taught me how deeply the mind and body are interconnected. His sessions are engaging.  I always leave them confident and with a clear sense of what I need to do. I have recommended Frank to several family & friends and they have been equally as happy with their results. "


"For the last several years I have been on a journey and tried almost everything with limited success until I found Frank. He immediately recognized the root cause of my issues that no one else had put together. He patiently and methodically helped prioritize how we would address the years and decades of dysfunction that was causing me constant pain, worsening dizziness and even scoliosis. 

He helped me navigate the process of getting the proper lenses to balance my body that was being thrown off by an eye surgery I had many years ago. He also coordinated getting me a proper night guard and splint because my head, neck and jaw was being thrown off by invasive orthodontic work I had done many years ago.  Now I am having consistently less pain and my scoliosis is now even reversing! I am doing more and I see how much better I can be – more than I every thought would be possible. I see the light!"


"Frank has provided life-changing results through his PRI methods. I was previously dealing with stubborn pain and visited several different chiropractors and osteopathic doctors, none of which were able to produce lasting results. My body would always shift back to the Left AIC/Right BC pattern. Frank was able to address the connection with my teeth and bite to the pattern. He worked in conjunction with Bucks County Dental Design to create an acrylic splint, which has already provided tremendous results. I cannot thank Frank enough for his help!"


"Frank is a very knowledgeable, kind, and effective physical therapist. He was able to quickly assess why I was experiencing pain in my hip/leg/knee and in just three sessions, taught me the exercises I needed in order to resolve the issue. Each session built on the last and he tweaked my treatment to address how my body was responding. In three months I was able to correct the issue and eliminate pain I had experienced daily for years. He recorded all the exercises on my phone so I could easily recreate the proper movements at home, which means I'll always have them, in the case the issue should return. I can't recommend Frank highly enough."


"Frank has been part of my Wellness Team since 2021. How do you capture how someone has positively transformed your body and thus your life in words?

Frank cared for my injuries in a thoughtful, compassionate, and unique hands on approach. I had a laundry list of challenges physically, and I was emotionally spent from other professionals unable to help me. I had structural issues after 2 concussions, alongside Lyme disease, Mold Illness, and MCAS, so I was really struggling when I was led to Frank.

His expertise and skills found me at the right time. He does an amazing job explaining what is happening in your body and why your symptoms are showing up in your body. He does hands-on manipulation and massage, and energy work, alongside with really focusing on your breath work and teaching you the best ways to walk, sit, stand, to enhance your physical body. Frank then led me to Dr. Keith Hollander (Dentist) who helped create a splint for my mouth as I was having head and neck issues from concussions. The splint helps reorient my brain and thus my nervous system and has made a HUGE improvement to my head and neck! Frank does HANDS ON sessions at THE DENTIST OFFICE, along side Keith to work together to help me. Can you imagine? This is the team approach Frank creates, you are not only in his good professional hands, you're in multiple good hands from a multi-professional and integrative approach.

Frank understands my body and GETS IT in a way no one else ever could. He's worked with many professional athletes and I get why! If you're having any physical symptoms, Frank will thoroughly evaluate you and get you on track and pain free! He will pay attention to your posture, the SOUND of your voice, your eyes, your inflammation, your breath. Frank is a next level healer and I have immense gratitude I was led to him! I have referred close friends and family to him too and they love him as well! :)"


After 15 years of physical decline due to a host of issues, I have strength, range of motion, and confidence in my body. Frank’s mastery of the Restorative Posture Institute strategies, along with his natural and cultivated abilities as a healer exponentially improved the quality of my life.
I met Frank after I struggled to regain my capacity to perform simple tasks like carrying groceries and participating in sports or fun activities like ziplining. Going for walks was hard, yoga was impossible, I injured myself whenever I challenged my body, and stress lived in my shoulders and lower back and was wrecking my alignment. I was told that I could only wear sneakers outfitted with expensive orthotics. When we started working together, both my hips had been replaced, I had a shoulder impingement, failing arches in my feet – and the procedure that set off this domino effect – a fibroid myomectomy.
I’ve spent thousands on doctor’s appointments, special shoes and inserts, ergonomic furniture, group exercise classes, other physical therapists, and more. Although I was fighting like hell and doing all that I could afford and fit into my schedule, I only began making progress when I started working with Frank.
I walked better after the first session. In the sessions that followed, Frank treated me, educated me about my challenges, and taught me movements and breathing techniques to address them. This gave me so much power back. I further benefited from his expertise by acting on his recommendations to minimize my glasses prescription and sleep with a customized mouthguard that he and a dentist teamed up to create. I now walk with stability, ease, and more speed than I have in years - in different kinds of shoes.
I swim twice a week, take yoga once a week, use my Peloton, carry my groceries, and know how to recover from the great deal of stress that I regularly experience. I have so many accomplishment stories. I’ve hiked in Ghana and walked eight miles while cheering on my nephew during a marathon. We are on our way to achieving the goal that I set for myself which is to renew my scuba diving license and hit the Blue Hole in Belize.
Words fail to capture the depth of my forever gratitude for the individualized care I’ve received from this amazing human being and physical therapist.